Is your search engine hiding the truth from you?

The state of internet search is abysmal.

But the good news is that there are high standard search engines out there.

Navigate the terrain like a pro with this exclusive report on the 2 good options and the 11 awful ones.

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    The Good

    On the first page of this report, you will quickly and easily learn what search engines are the least censored.

    The Bad

    Also on the first page of the report, you will learn which search engines censor results the most. We had a look at 11 of them and single them out for you by name, so that you know exactly what you are getting into.

    The Ugly

    The truth is, most readers want that information and want it quickly.

    Having gotten those specifics out of the way quickly. . . for those readers who want even more information, I dig into the nerdy particulars of the research my team and I conducted. The remainder of the report is dedicated to the awful, and often shocking, details our research uncovered about the current state of internet search.

    But I also take it further. As a bonus, you will find the contact information of these companies so that you can give them an earful if you so desire.

    And as an additional bonus, a bonus with the potential to change the world -- I describe several paths that a bold and upright entrepreneur can take to remedy this situation. In the right hands, this guide is a profitable plan for rescuing civilization from the censors.